Historic Landmark Nomination for Guadalupe Church and McDonnell Hall Oral History Project, Phases 1 & 2, San Jose, CA
Client: County of Santa Clara, Parks and Recreation Department, CA., 2011-2012
These interviews document the Guadalupe Church and McDonnell Hall in relation to Cesar Chavez and the farmworker rights movement for a proposed National Historic Landmark nomination. In Phase1 we conducted oral history interviews with five individuals and created one group onsite walking video of friends and family related to Cesar Chavez and the organizing he did as director of the Community Service Organization located at McDonnell Hall on the property of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church. In Phase 2 we conducted 3 additional interviews with friends and associates who knew Cesar Chavez when he was living in San Jose and working with the Community Services Organization. The reports and the interviews for both phases are available through Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department website: http://www3.sanjoseca.gov/clerk/Agenda/20111129/20111129_0407sup.pdf; and at: http://ohp.parks.ca.gov/pages/1067/files/mission%20guadalupe%20chl%20draft.pdf